Journal Scan

Does amputation impact survival in bone sarcoma?

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In patients with high grade bone sarcomas of the lower extremity, needing an amputation is an independent predictor of poor outcomes, according to a study.

Researchers used data from 5781 cases of high-grade bone sarcoma of the lower extremity to determine the impact of amputation on survival.

Independent predictors of poor overall survival included amputation and advanced stage. There was an 18% decrease in 10-year survival in pediatric and adolescents and young adults patients who had amputations.

Patients with nonprivate insurance were more likely to have an amputation as well as present for treatment at a more advanced stage.


Jawad MU, Pollock BH, Alvarez E, et al. Non-Private Health Insurance Predicts Advanced Stage at Presentation and Amputation in Lower Extremity High Grade Bone Sarcoma: A National Cancer Database Study : Amputation Predicts Survival: An Effect Most Pronounced in Pediatric and AYA Age Group. Ann Surg Oncol. 2022;doi: 10.1245/s10434-022-11494-4. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35314919.


–Kelsey Moroz
